Safety Trivia

Safety Trivia 14 MayMay 2021 13:00 - 13:30

Safety Trivia

A list of 15 multiple choice and true or false questions is asked. Points are awarded based on the correct answer and how

quickly the player responds. Questions are based on safety, information that can be gained during events, cyber security and

safety, and what SafeWalk is. The delivery is by Crowdpurr, and is done at the pace of the player. It is not a live event (future

ones will be.)


Possible way of describing it:


What is the first step in a First Aid emergency? Do you know steps to calm an aggressive person? Think you know the

answers? Play the SafeWalk Safety Trivia game and learn about these and more about your safety in-person and online.


Other possible questions as alternates to the ones above:

- What is MFA?

- Should I turn off Bluetooth?

- Is geo-tagging the same as location on social media?

- What should I do if someone is following me on the street?


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