Health Benefits Program

Health Benefits Program

The Student Association of George Brown College offers Extended Health and Dental plans for full-time domestic and international students enrolled in a post-secondary or ESL program at George Brown College.

Domestic Students Opt in
Domestic Students Plan
International Students Plan
Student Assistance Program - WeConnect
Opting in/out or adding family coverage
International students in Post Secondary program Opt-out/Waiver
Choose your plan - Extended Health and Dental Plan
How to submit a claim

Domestic students

Domestic students must be registered as a full-time student in a post-secondary program including the ESL program, with a start date in either September or January.

If you are under one of conditions below, you are not or may not be automatically eligible for the Extended Health and Dental plan. Please check the account summary in stu-view, whether you are charged the benefits fee or contact the heath benefits team at

  • students registered under Accessible Learning Services
  • students in Transition to Post-Secondary Education program
  • co-op students in the initial semester of your academic year
  • students who have previously opted-out

International students

International students must be registered in a post-secondary program for the Extended Health and Dental and Medical Services (OHIP Alternative) plan. We offer this plan to both full-time and part-time students who are studying during the day. Students who are taking Continuing Education courses during the evenings or on weekends are not eligible for the International Health plan. International ESL students are only eligible for the Medical Services (OHIP Alternative) plan.

Domestic Students Opt in

Domestic students registered under Accessible Learning Services

Students registered with GBC’s Accessible Learning Services with a reduced course load might not be initially eligible for the Extended Health and Dental plan. If you need coverage, please contact one of the Student Association of George Brown College offices by the opt-in deadlines. Modified Course Load Opt-In Online Application.

Domestic students in Transition to Post-Secondary Education program

Students in the Transition to Post-Secondary Education (TPE) program are not automatically eligible for the Extended Health and Dental plan. If you are interested in our coverage please contact one of the Student Association of George Brown College offices by the opt-in deadlines.  T.P.E Student Opt-In Online Application.

 Domestic Co-op students in the initial semester of your academic year

Domestic students in a Co-op placement in the initial semester of their school year are not automatically eligible for the Extended Health and Dental plan. If you are interested in our coverage during your Co-op term, please contact one of the Student Association of George Brown College offices by the opt-in deadlines. Co-Op Student Opt-In Online Application

Students who have previously opted-out

Students who have opted out from our plan in the past are not automatically eligible for the Extended Health and Dental plan. If you now need our plan, you will need to contact the Student Association of George Brown College offices during the first week of the initial semester of their academic year or within 31 days of the loss of your alternative coverage. Rescind Waiver Online Application.

Domestic Students Plan

Domestic full-time students in ESL and post-secondary programs are eligible for Extended Health and Dental plan coverage which is facilitated by We Speak Student.

Extended Health and Dental


The Extended Health and Dental insurance policy is for services that do not fall under the OHIP Alternative plan. Services included under this insurance include, but are not limited to:

  • Prescription drugs
  • Prescription eyeglasses
  • Massage therapy
  • Physiotherapy
  • Chiropractic
  • Dental care

Go to to find out more details at

International Students Plan

International students in post-secondary programs have two types of health care coverage. Medical Services coverage (OHIP Alternative plan) and Extended Health and Dental plan coverage is facilitated by We Speak Student. International ESL students only have Medical Services coverage (OHIP Alternative plan).

Medical Services through We Speak Student

Includes basic medical services such as seeing a doctor in a walk-in clinic, laboratory test, or using the hospital for emergencies and/or serious medical issues involving hospitalization.

You can go to for:

  • Policy information
  • Walk-in Clinic list
  • Instructions on direct billing
  • Claim forms

Extended Health and Dental Coverage

The Extended Health and Dental insurance policy is for services that do not fall under the OHIP Alternative plan. Services included under this insurance include, but are not limited to:

  • Prescription drugs
  • Prescription eyeglasses
  • Massage therapy
  • Physiotherapy
  • Chiropractic
  • Dental care

Go to to find out more details about the plans for international students in post-secondary programs or details about plans for international students in ESL programs.

Student Assistance Program - WeConnect

Effective September 1, 2021, the SAGBC has introduced WeConnect, a new Student Assistance Program that supports students by providing 24/7 counselling support. WeConnect also provides services like health coaching & financial coaching.

You can access WeConnent through or by calling 1-855-853-0565.

Opting in/out or adding family coverage

The deadlines to opt-in/out, choose your plan or add family coverage are:

  • Students starting in September: Thursday October 3, 2024
  • Students starting in January: Thursday February 6, 2025
    (Students starting in September who were charged the health insurance fee in the Fall 2024 are not eligible to opt-out, choose your flex plan or add any dependents in the winter semester.)
  • International students starting in May: Thursday May 29, 2025
    (International students starting in September or January, who were charged the health insurance fee in the Fall 2024 and/or the Winter 2025 term are not eligible to opt-out, choose your flex plan or add any dependents in the spring/summer semester.)

* If you are an international student taking an ESL program, please contact the Student Association of George Brown College offices deadline.

If you are a domestic student, or already have a plan and do not require any additional coverage, you can opt-out from the Extended Health and Dental plan at

The plan for international students is mandatory and you cannot opt-out unless you are under a Canadian federal or provincial health plan or and studying outside Canada.

Adding family coverage

Any students under our student plan can purchase the dependent coverage for their family members (spouse, common-law partner and/or children). To obtain more details about the costs and the necessary forms, please contact Student Association of George Brown College offices or visit

International students in Post Secondary program Opt-out/Waiver

The health insurance plan is mandatory. Students who are studying from outside of Canada or who have provincial coverage are eligible to request the cancellation of the plan within the deadlines. Please carefully read the information below and submit the corresponding application based on your situation.

International students in Post-Secondary Program Winter 2025– NOT RESIDING in Canada.

For international George Brown College students who are pursuing FULLY ONLINE programs or courses from Outside of Canada the Winter 2025 term runs from January 6, 2025, to April 17, 2025, the Student Association of George Brown College is providing an opportunity for qualified* students to request a credit/refund for the fees paid for the health insurance coverage included as part of the student’s tuition payment if you are NOT in Canada but residing in your home country or other country during the Winter 2025 term period.

Qualified students
*Students who had opted out in Fall 2024 and continue to pursue studies from outside Canada
*New Winter 2025 students who have been charged the health insurance benefits fee

This waiver application is to opt-out (cancel) your insurance coverage period from January 1 to April 30, 2025The deadline to submit this waiver form is February 6, 2025 (Canadian Eastern Time).

Please notify us via email at by February 6, 2025 – no exceptions if you do not reside in Canada.

International students in Post Secondary under the provincial plan (OHIP)-online opt-out application

IMPORTANT NOTICE TO ALL STUDENTS CONSIDERING OPTING OUT:  Before you apply to opt out, please make sure your alternative plan will be in effect throughout your entire study period.  If you opt out, you will thereby accept full responsibility for medical expenses you incur during any period not covered by your alternative plan.

Please read these instructions and fill out this opt-out form by February 6, 2025 (Canadian Eastern Standard Time), if you are a student and start in January 2025. If you started in September 2024, you are not eligible to opt out.  If you have any technical issues submitting the form by the deadline, please notify us via email at by February 7, 2025 – no exceptions.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact the Health Benefits team at

Choose your plan - Extended Health and Dental Plan

All full-time domestic post-secondary and ESL students, as well as international students registered in a post-secondary program, are covered under the Balanced Plan automatically, you also have the option of changing your Balanced Plan to one of the other Enhanced Plan options that bests suits your needs by the deadline. Once the deadline has passed you are no longer allowed to change your plan. Please note that your plan choice plan is valid for the entire academic year and cannot be changed until the following September. Each academic year you need to reapply for your plan choice since it is only valid for one academic year.

There are four different coverage plans to choose from:

  1. Balanced Plan (Automatically enrolled in)
  2. Enhanced Drug Plan
  3. Enhanced Dental Plan
  4. Enhanced Extended Health Care Plan

Please visit the WeSpeakStudent website. to find out more details about your plan.

How to submit a claim

Extended Health and Dental plan

All students under the Extended Health and Dental plan are able to use their insurance once they start school, you need to print out your insurance card online through the WeSpeakStudent website. Claims can be submitted online or by mail. If you are mailing your claim, please mail your prescription drug/dental/extended health care claim form directly to the address on the form.

How to register for an e-profile for online claim submission:

Claim forms to mail are available at

International students under OHIP Alternative Plan

Students can submit by mail or email. Please visit and choose your program plan. Once you come to the main page under your plan, you will learn more details.

Please ensure that if you pay any expenses yourself, you must obtain the original receipts and mail completed claim forms to the address on the form.

Use the information below for the OHIP Alternative plan such as: Hospital & physician visits, Emergency room visits, Walk-in clinic, Blood tests, X-rays & ultrasounds, Diagnostic imaging.

  • Group Policy Number: 100011335
  • Provider: Special Markets Solutions
  • Your Certification number for your plan: Your Student ID#

If you have any questions contact WeSpeakStudent at:
Toll Free Help Line: 1-800-315-1108
Online Chat:

Cleveland Clinic Services: Virtual On-Campus Clinic & Express Care Online

Manage your health in new ways this year through a new partnership with the Cleveland Clinic. Students can skip walk-in clinic wait times and get instant access to medical professionals with Express Care Online and the on-campus Virtual Clinics. Click here for more information

Extended Health and Dental Frequently Asked Questions

Are orthodontics covered under the plan?
Are contraceptives or “birth control” covered under the plan?
Are naturopaths covered under the plan?
Is massage therapy covered under the insurance plan?
How do I find out if a particular medication is covered?
When does my coverage end?
Am I covered if I’m traveling outside Canada?
Are orthodontics covered under the plan?

No, unfortunately orthodontics is not covered under your plan.

Are naturopaths covered under the plan?

Yes, naturopaths are covered under your plan.

Is massage therapy covered under the insurance plan?

Yes, massage therapy is covered under the plan. Please note that you must obtain a doctor’s note from your family doctor stating that you require massage therapy otherwise it will not be covered under the plan.

How do I find out if a particular medication is covered?

Please go to and click on the “check drug coverage” button for more information or call We Speak Student at (416) 216-5735 or Toll Free: 1-888-985-1552 have the medication DIN# (your doctor or pharmacist can provide you with this number).

When does my coverage end?

Regardless of being a September or January start student, your coverage ends on August 31 or upon your withdrawal from the program.

Am I covered if I’m traveling outside Canada?

Emergency Out-of-Province coverage and assistance is provided by AIG Insurance Company of Canada under the policy number: SRG9426406

Frequently Asked Questions for Domestic Students

Are hospital accommodations covered for domestic post-secondary students?
Can I cancel my insurance if I don’t want it?
I applied to opt-out of the plan but I have not received my refund yet?
Are hospital accommodations covered for domestic post-secondary students?

No, hospital accommodations are not covered under this plan. It would be covered under your OHIP.

Can I cancel my insurance if I don’t want it?

Yes, but only if you have alternative insurance coverage from your spouse, your parents, or from your work. The Dental and Extended plan is mandatory and you cannot cancel it without having an equivalent level of insurance elsewhere.
Please note, any opt-out applications will not be accepted after the deadline and students are only eligible to opt-out in the initial semester of your school year.

I applied to opt-out of the plan but I have not received my refund yet?

If you paid your tuition fees in full at the start of the school year and have opted-out, you might receive a refund cheque issued by George Brown College to your mailing address. However, if you paid some but not all of your tuition fees and were able to opt-out, the refund will be deducted from the unpaid tuition fees. In this case, your GBC financial account balance will be less than the previous balance. If you are still unsure, please come to a Student Association of George Brown College office and we will help you find out the status of your refund.

Frequently Asked Questions for International Students

This plan is for international students studying at George Brown College and who are enrolled in a post-secondary program. It is an OHIP replacement plan with medical services, offered under We Speak Student.

What do I have to do when I need to make a medical visit?
How do I claim using your OHIP Alternative Plan?
Can I cancel my insurance if I don’t want it?
What do I have to do when I need to make a medical visit?
  • For non-urgent medical conditions, visit a clinic to avoid long wait times.
  • Before you go, always call the facility to check if you need an appointment.
  • Contact Morcare at 416-216-5735 / 1-888-985-1552 to connect to Intrepid 24/7 to facilitate your access to a provider
  • Bring your wallet card, claim form and student ID to avoid paying up front once Intrepid 24/7 sets up your visit. NOTE – Coverage is up to the benefit maximum. Other fees or costs may apply to you.
  • For a medical emergency, contact Emergency Assistance.
  • If your condition is life threatening, visit a hospital emergency room or call 911
How do I claim using your OHIP Alternative Plan?

These claims must be submitted by mail only.
Your Group Policy Number is: 100011335
Provider: Special Markets Solutions
Your certificate number is your Student ID
You can download your claim forms at
Please ensure that if you pay any expenses yourself, you obtain original receipts and mail complete forms to the address on the form.

Can I cancel my insurance if I don’t want it?

No, you cannot cancel your health insurance plan unless you are under a federal or provincial plan or studying outside Canada as it is a mandatory fee that is included in your tuition fee. If you are under a federal or provincial plan, such as OHIP or studying outside Canada, please contact a Student Association of George Brown College office.

Got your own Question? Here are some options:


Toll Free Help Line: 1-800-315-1108
Online Chat:

Student Association

Phone: 416.415.5000 Ext. 2443
Or visit any Student Association office.


Student Association
Phone: 416.415.5000 Ext. 2443
Or visit any Student Association office.

Fall 2024 Hours:

Casa Loma, Waterfront, & St. James Campuses
Monday to Thursday – 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Friday-10 a.m. to 3 p.m.


Health Benefits – Fall 2024

Toll Free Help Line: 1-800-315-1108
Online Chat:
