Basic First Aid Theory Workshop
Emergencies happen anywhere without warning. Save a life by learning the basics of First Aid. Topics taught will be CPR for adults, AED use, conscious choking, bleeding scenarios (deadly bleeding), breathing emergencies (Asthma/anaphylaxis), and how to respond to an emergency, and burns (thermal, chemical, electrical, and friction.) All participants receive a certificate of participation after the event. Trainer will lead event.
Learn how to save a life by learning the basics of First Aid with us on Friday, November 26th from 1-4pm. Earn a Certificate of Participation from the event trainer for covering topics of CPR for adults; AED use; conscious choking; bleeding scenarios; breathing emergencies; attending to burns; and how to respond to an emergency. Join the event; Learn First Aid; Save a Life. #FirstAid #SafeWalk #SaveALife #AED #CPR #FirstAidBasics #EmergencyResponse #BurnTreatment #BreathingEmergencies #ConsciousChocking #Emergencies #FirstAidTraining #BePrepared #StopTheBleed #Training
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